Learn how to safely use social media

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Benjamin Matwey
  • 166th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
We want to guide all visitors to our wing Facebook page (www.Facebook.com/166thAirliftWing), as well as all social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, etc.) and general computer and mobile device users to information to help make their online and digital information experience a positive one.

To that end, each of the below topics and links are posted on the home page of our wing Air Force Public Web site, www.166aw.ang.af.mil, top right side, under the heading of "Learn how to safely use Social Media."

One is a civilian government web site, and five are U.S. military web sites:

- DoD Social Media Education & Training (http://www.defense.gov/socialmedia/education-and-training.aspx/), a wealth of links collected on a single screen.

- Air Force Social Media Guide (PDF), (http://www.166aw.ang.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-120327-048.pdf).

- AMC Social Media Hub (http://www.amc.af.mil/amcsocialmediahub/index.asp), with links to very well-designed, simple and useful one-page OPSEC Smart Cards for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linked in.

- Social Media V1.0 DoD CBT/18-min. video (http://iase.disa.mil/eta/sns_v1/sn/launchPage.htm)

- Stratcom Social Network Training (http://www.stratcom.mil/snstraining/) starts with a very short 1:00 video developed for DoD members and their families. The content, in simple and clear ways, shows why and how information you or a family member might reveal online might be something you regret being available to strangers. It then provides ways to inform and protect yourself and your loved ones.

- Kids and Computer Security (http://www.onguardonline.gov/articles/0017-kids-and-computer-security)