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Delaware Governor Jack Markell highlights the Delaware Air Guard's 65th Anniversary

NEW CASTLE, Delaware -- On Sept. 21 Delaware Gov. Jack Markell placed a spotlight on the 166th Airlift Wing and the Delaware Air Guard after making a post on his Facebook government official page, www.facebook.com/GovernorMarkell, and linking to an article titled, "Delaware Air National Guard Airmen reach milestone of 65 years' service to our state and nation."

Governor Markell wrote, "Please join me in thanking and congratulating the Delaware Air National Guard for 65 years of service to our state and nation. Learn about their important and unique contributions here." The governor's Facebook page links to the 166th AW Facebook page commentary. Direct link to commentary on 166th Airlift Wing Facebook page here: Delaware Air National Guard Airmen reach milestone of 65 years' service to our state and nation

If you aren't a Facebook user, you can still access the full commentary on this link to the 166th Airlift Wing's Air Force Public site.

To all the Airmen, families and community supporters of the Delaware Air National Guard who have served in or supported the unit, from our founding on Sept. 6, 1946 through today, thank you!

And for all the Facebook users out there, visit the Delaware Air National Guard 166th Airlift Wing facebook page to see how we are using this social media tool. And please add a comment to let us know your thoughts about what we are posting.