Rescheduled Unit Training Assembly confirmed for November 1 and December 6, 2013

  • Published
  • By Brig. Gen. Carol A. Timmons, Assistant Adjutant General-Air
  • Delaware National Guard - JFHQ
Fellow Airmen: As you are all aware, Congress has passed a continuing resolution which has reopened all federal government operations which were shutdown. The largest impact to all of us in the Delaware Air National Guard was the necessity to reschedule the October Unit Training Assembly.

The UTA has been rescheduled for Nov. 1, 2013 and Dec. 6, 2013. These are each the Friday before our next scheduled Unit Training Assemblies.

These dates were chosen to minimize any adverse scheduling impacts to our members. I have directed all commanders to use liberal discretion in approving absences and further rescheduling of those dates.

This unprecedented government shutdown has put significant stress on all of us and our families. I want to personally thank all of you for your patience and professionalism while persevering through this difficult process. I look forward to seeing each of you in November.