Commanders Corner- December 2016

  • Published
  • By Major Susannah Tulloch
  • 166 AW

What is your journey? As we enter the time before the Winter Holidays, there can be an eager expectancy or a reluctancy. Both paths on the journey need a traveling companion. As you contemplate who your companion will be, I suggest you choose one of them to be Hope.

Hope is a constant friend who is loyal, committed, and trustworthy. During smooth and rough roads, she provides a stability of mind plus the knowledge that there will be a tomorrow that is better. Her other name is not optimism because optimism is fickle. Some believe she is a gift given by the Divine to those in the bleakest of winters so that there is always the fresh green of spring. Winter does not last forever. Intentionally choose to take Hope on your journey and you will not be disappointed.

If you need some other traveling companions, there are Helping Agencies at the Wing. Being proactive in seeking the help from those who have resources provides an intelligent way to care for yourself and your loved ones. Let me mention a few that might prove helpful.

The Chaplain Corps provides confidential counseling in the areas of family, marital, and work relationships, and spiritual areas to name a few. (Full Time Chaplain Duty Phone: 302-463-6883)

Director Psychological Health, Michael Sherman, LCSW, assesses and helps to find services in the area of medical and non-medical occurrences. Examples: relationship issues, stress management, parenting skills, anxiety, depression, PTSD and various addictions. His office is located in the Medical Building. (Mobile: 302-299-9630)

The Airmen and Family Readiness office is located on the ground level of building number 2600. Currently, there is not a Program Manager for the month of DEC 2016, but there will be a familiar volunteer in the office to answer questions and find resources Monday through Friday during most duty hours. (POC: Lt Col Heck: 323-3509)