March 29, 2017 -- On Saturday, April 1, the Delaware National Guard will host its Governor’s Day Review of Troops. Included in the ceremony, Lt. Gen. (DE) Frank Vavala will be promoted to the rank of Four-Star General in the Delaware State Militia and become the first Four-Star General in Delaware’s history. The event starts at 10:00 AM on the Delaware State University Football Field. Media are invited and the public is welcome to attend.
The Governor’s Day Review of Troops is the chance for Delaware’s Commander-in-Chief, Governor John Carney, to address the troops and culminates with a review, or inspection, of the troops. The last governor to review the troops was Tom Carper in 1993. The event will begin with a 19-gun canon salute and feature remarks from Delaware leaders.
“Reviewing the troops is a long-standing military tradition and we are proud to reinstate that aspect of our heritage,” said Maj. Gen. Carol Timmons, Adjutant General, Delaware National Guard. “We look forward to showing off Delaware’s Hometown Force and bidding a fond farewell to one of its iconic leaders.”
As part of the ceremony, we will also honor Lt. Gen. (DE) Frank Vavala’s 50 years of service to state and nation with a final farewell salute and honorary promotion to the rank of Four-Star General in the Delaware State Militia. Vavala was the former Adjutant General from 1999-2017 and retired on January 31st.
For more information please contact Lt. Col. Len Gratteri at 302-540-0134 ( or 2nd Lt. Wendy Callaway at 302-270-0720 (