Delaware National Guard Celebrates Decision Day 2017

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  • Delaware National Guard

On Thursday, May 4th at 6:00 pm, the Delaware National Guard will host a DNG Signing Day. May 1st is the last day high school seniors have to decide where they will attend college, and typically students wear their future college colors and logos to school. We are honoring those high school seniors who chose to enter the Delaware National Guard out of high school by recognizing them at DNG Signing Day. The event will be held at the Delaware National Guard Headquarters, 250 Airport Road in New Castle. About 100 Guard leaders, parents, and school administrators will be on hand to recognize 40 recent enlistees and celebrate the decision to serve.

 Media are invited to attend. Opportunities include photos, video and interviews with Soldiers, Airmen and families.

“The choice to serve is a big step and always a family decision, so we are sure to include the families of our Soldiers and Airmen in celebrating that decision,” said Maj. Gen. Carol Timmons, the Delaware National Guard’s Adjutant General. Timmons is the event host, and joined the Delaware National guard after she graduated from William Penn high School.

The guest speaker will be 1st Lt. Adam Fenimore. Adam is the commander of the 160th Engineer Company and like those being recognized, chose to enlist in the Delaware National Guard upon graduation from high school. In his civilian job, he is a project manager, Hospitality Construction & Development for Buccini/Pollin.

 For more information please contact Lt. Col. Len Gratteri at 302-540-0134 ( or 2nd Lt. Wendy Callaway at 302-270-0720 (