Delaware Air Guard to conduct a two aircraft flyover of Delaware Memorial Bridge Plaza this morning for Memorial Day ceremony
NEW CASTLE, Delaware -- The Delaware Air National Guard will conduct a two-ship C-130 aircraft flyover of the Delaware Memorial Bridge Plaza this morning, May 30, Memorial Day, at approximately 10:20 a.m., before the formal official Memorial Day ceremony begins on the ground at 10:30 a.m.
Two C-130 Hercules transport aircraft of the 166th Airlift Wing, based at the New Castle ANG Base, will takeoff sometime before 10:00 a.m., then get in position for the flyover. Airmen on the ground at the Delaware Memorial Bridge, as well as Airmen at base operations will coordinate with the aircrew.
The unit has previously conducted several flyovers on patriotic holidays such as Veterans Day and Memorial Day at the same venue, and also on Patriots Day at other venues.
"We are again very happy to work with the Delaware Veterans Commission to conduct this flyover," said Col. Jonathan Groff, wing commander, 166th Airlift Wing. "We will have a number of Airmen from the Delaware ANG on the ground at the Memorial Day ceremony, joining with Soldiers from the Delaware Army National Guard and veterans from all of our U.S. military services and fellow members of our community."
The Delaware ANG has 1,100 members and eight C-130 Hercules transport aircraft, and continually deploys personnel and subordinate units around the globe.
Delaware Veterans Commission event details:
Form their website: Delaware Veterans, Inc. and the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs will host a Memorial Day Service on Wednesday, May 30, 2012. The service will be held at the Memorial Bridge Plaza, Delaware Memorial Bridge, New Castle, Delaware, beginning at 10:30 AM. Following the services at the Memorial Bridge Plaza, the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs and Korean War Veterans Association, Department of Delaware, will conduct a service at the Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Bear, Delaware, at 2:00 PM.
Note: In the United States Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May, which was the 28th of May, 2012, but the Delaware Veterans Commission ceremony is held on the official Memorial Day of May 30.
This release is in the public domain, and any part may be used as written.
Delaware Air National Guard:
Celebrating 66 years of Citizen-Airman service to our state and nation, 1946-2012
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