Plane Pull fundraiser to benefit Special Olympics Delaware on schedule for Sunday morning April 10 at Delaware Air National Guard base in New Castle Published June 1, 2011 By 010411 NEW CASTLE, Delaware -- Tomorrow's Plane Pull fundraiser to benefit Special Olympics Delaware will occur as scheduled at the Delaware Air National Guard base in New Castle. All Plane Pull team participants will report one hour prior to their scheduled pull time Sunday to the air base at 2600 Spruance Drive, New Castle, DE 19720. "We are thrilled to be fully on track to host this wonderful community fundraiser with hundreds of people and two dozen organizations signed up to benefit their fellow citizens," said Maj. Gen. Frank Vavala, adjutant general, Delaware National Guard. "The Sunday weather forecast is for pleasant temperatures, clouds and just a modest chance of rain. Those are good conditions for teams sweating it out to pull a 100,000 pound C-130 military transport aircraft in the Plane Pull." For further information, please contact Special Olympics Delaware via their website, News organizations may call Special Olympics Delaware's Director of Public Relations John Buzby via (cell) 302-740-1033. This release is in the public domain, and any part may be used as written. - 30 -